Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I sit here with an overabundance of thoughts going through my mind. I try to organize and sort them as they come but for some reason they clump all together as if they have some type of magnetic attraction to each other. My emotions race against one another trying to search for the finish line of understanding. I feel grateful for the support and grace that so many have displayed to me through this time, but I still have moments of disbelief and anger. I will sit down and practically have to pinch myself to remind me of the reality that she is in heaven and not coming back. I see others laughing and joyful with each other's company, wishing so much that I could have that same interaction with mom. Her smile that I stare at in so many pictures makes my memory of her so fresh as if she is going to wake me from this terrible nightmare and come hug me, and tell me everything will be okay. I do know in the depth of my heart that everything will be okay, but at the surface the feelings are still thrashing about as does the rough waters of a river as it tumbles over the rocks below. God, please blanket my thoughts and emotions with your love and grace today.


  1. It is difficult sometimes to understand how the world can go on with the daily "stuff" of life, when one's heart is breaking in small pieces. It is at the lowest point in life when one feels drowing in sorrow, that looking up to the heavens and reaching our for the hand of God is the only comfort.
    Please keep writing. I love what you write. I need to read it. It does my heart good. Your faith has reached so many. Your have such a gift! Writing comes so easy to you.
    I love you girl. You are my friend!

  2. Ana~Sorry it has taken forever for me to respond to your comments/email. Please know that I have been thinking of you often and praying for God's plan for your life. I see you striving to honor God in every step you are taking even when the steps seem unbearable. Well done good and faithful servent...that is what God is saying. He loves you Ana and hears the cries of your heart. Keep talking to him, keep loving and worshiping him....Each day is new...just start where you can, God will help with the rest. Love you!
